How many of us thought – “IF we could just FINISH school, we NEVER have to learn again”? (Surprise-Surprise…)
I am surely not the only one that was thinking “old people” do not have to learn anymore. They mos know everything. Then once you start working, you realize that people in their 40’s start with a MBA Degree or a specific trade. People in their 60’s only start to play an instrument for the first time. I know of a lady that studies BA Languages at 82 years of age.
Perhaps you will change careers. A few times in your life. Who knows? How many of us studied something after school or National Service and is still in the same industry, practice or career? One thing is for sure – life keep on changing. We keep on changing. We are getting older, wiser perhaps, or get forced to change by the the current situation the whole world is going through at the moment.
A certain old song is coming to mind by Baz Luhrmann – Everybody’s Free To Wear Sunscreen. He does not actually sing… he gives funny advise about LIVE. Take time and listen to this song if you wish, or share it with your children at least.
Personally I went to an Agricultural School. Studied Quantity Surveying. Became a Professional Latin American and Ballroom Dance instructor. Sold Insurance for 2 years and at one phase in my life even sold 30 000 liters of milk per day. For 3 years, raised 250 000 turkeys every 16 weeks… on a farm in the USA whilst training instructors in the evenings, on HOW TO TEACH dancing. Owned a prominent Dance Studio in Pretoria for 9 years. Became a professional musician only at the age of 40.
Currently I am doing Graphics-Design. Learning how to be creative on Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator. In Video-Editing I learn Davinci Resolve, Building websites in Word Press and help my lovely wife selling her Rusks. What a journey…
Everyone has to reconsider what works for him/her, to keep the pot cooking during these times.
What is YOUR newest skill that you are learning at the moment?